Fallout shelter lunchbox glitch ps4
Fallout shelter lunchbox glitch ps4

fallout shelter lunchbox glitch ps4

Specifically, the best trick here is to dispatch your strongest Dwellers and equip them with your best weapons and outfits as they explore the Wasteland. By advancing your phone or tablet’s time by the required number of hours, you can do several things faster in Fallout Shelter.

fallout shelter lunchbox glitch ps4

Granted, this is the proverbial “oldest trick in the book” – it’s a cheat that can be used in so many ways for so many games. Go try ‘em out before Bethesda nerfs, or patches them! The Time Lapse Cheat Still Works This next one is not a strategy guide per se, but it points out a couple of in-game glitches that could allow you to earn unlimited bottle caps, lunchboxes, and more. And we’ve been giving you all sorts of tips and tricks through our Fallout Shelter strategy guides.

fallout shelter lunchbox glitch ps4

And being that it’s such a huge hit for Apple device owners, we’d guess that you’ve been playing it for about a couple of weeks now and know what it’s all about – building a community of Dwellers living in a futuristic vault. Right now, we’re still waiting for Fallout Shelter to come to Android devices, but for now, this exciting Bethesda title is only available for the iPhone and iPad.

Fallout shelter lunchbox glitch ps4